Este Shabat, la joven Gabrielle Hodes, hija de Eric y Shayna, será llamada por primera vez a la Torá asumiendo de esta forma su condición de adulta en el pueblo judío.
Compartimos unas reflexiones de Gigi sobre su parasha y esta ceremonia tan especial para ella:
To me, the ceremony of my bat mitzvah represents, me as a young adult taking on a new role, responsibility and devotion to the community along with the Jewish faith in general.
Unlike what most people think, which is that a bat mitzvah signifies an end, or the successful completion of bat mitzvah lessons, in truth it symbolizes a new beginning, and an inauguration into a new level of commitment to the world we share, and also to myself, to be a better person as a woman and a Jew.
Mazal Tov para Gigi y toda su familia